Do You Need Printed Materials

Many times I have told a person to go to my website to learn more about my services, only to have them tell me that they would prefer a brochure or other information he can look at at his leisure!

You might have a website that contains all the information about your company and product that you feel you need.  You might also have digital information you can send potential customers via email.  But there are many times you will need printed information for a prospect.

If you do not have this information ready to hand to him, you may not get in to see him.  You are unprepared and unprofessional!

Worse is to give him something you printed on your computer!  Even if you buy expensive paper with a nice background design printed on it and it says it is brochure paper, you will look cheap and unprofessional if you hand it out!  What ever your prospect sees in your information, whether printed or online (website, email, etc), he will relate to your business.  Cheap printing, cheap business.  Unprofessional website or printing, Unprofessional business.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use printed information like business cards, brochures or other items that was printed on your printer at home!

In case you didn’t notice the above paragraph, let me repeat it here:

To avoid looking unprofessional, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use printed information like business cards, brochures or other items that was printed on your printer at home!

Besides, with the price of printing, you can’t afford NOT to have your printing items done by a professional.  At my print shop, I am running specials for brochures and other printing.  Contact me for more information at or call me at 801-298-2336.  You can also order printing online by going to