June 2, 2008

Email Tip #9. Strong Call to Action

A strong call to action can make the difference between someone glancing at your message or actually doing something with it. In this busy world, sometimes it helps to be direct. In direct marketing or email correspondence, most of the time you want someone to take a specific action when they receive your message. You might want to set up an in-person meeting, or have them click through to a website to read more. Or respond back and say, “Yes, let’s go ahead with the project.” The most effective email messages always have a strong call to action, telling the […]
May 29, 2008

Email tip #8. Always include your contact information

If you’re like me, you’re often jumping in an out of meetings or appointments. In between, you have a couple of minutes to return a couple of phone calls, so how do you choose which people you’ll call back first?  Often the decision is made for me… so make sure your messaging is as effective as possible. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve not returned a call promptly because I didn’t have someone’s contact information readily available. I’m sure you’ve had the same experience. Someone emails you to please call them or you just want to call them. […]
May 19, 2008

Email Tip #7. Personalize Each Message

Personalization works. According to many recent research studies, email messages that are personalized have stronger message open and clickthrough rates. Everyone likes being called by their name. In this impersonal world of email messages, people like to know that you know who they are, and that you care about them as a person. Nothing is worse than a highly demanding email that is sent without being addressed to someone by name and is out of context. A message that starts: “Can you make these changes ASAP?” puts you on the defensive right way. You might think: Why should I care […]
May 19, 2008

Email Campaigns save Money!

Did you know that effective email campaigns deliver sales at an average cost per order of less than $7, compared to $71.89 for banner ads, $26.75 for paid search and $17.47 for affiliate programs? (According to Shop.org’s “State of Retailing Online 2007” – September 2007).
May 9, 2008

Email Tip #6 Subject Line

Tip #6 is about the often neglected subject line. According to Jupiter Research, 35% of email users open messages because of what’s contained in the subject line. After the From line, the subject line is the second most important part of an effective email. If you forget to include a subject line, your message is much more likely to go into a junk mail folder, or just not be opened. Email marketing professionals live and die by subject lines. A good subject line will sum up what the message is all about, but still entice someone to open the message, […]
May 2, 2008

5. From Line

The single most important part of an email message is the From line. If the person you’re sending to doesn’t recognize your name, your message will be at best skipped over. At worst, it will be simply deleted without opening. Most email programs show a friendly display name instead of the plain email address. The From line of your email (friendly display name) should have your full name and organization in it. For example, when I send out an email, my from line reads: Ron Coleman– Global Marketing Plus. When someone receives an email from me, it’s pretty clear which […]
April 15, 2008

4. Reply Early & Reply Often

This week’s effective email strategy will certainly increases the amount of email that you send out. But it can also be extremely effective. With the huge volume of spam, it’s tough to know if your message got through. Right now, four out of every five emails sent over the Internet today is spam. With so much junk, it’s easy for your message to get lost, trapped in a junk mail filter, or simply piled up in someone’s ever-expanding inbox.So you start to worry when you haven’t heard back from someone that you emailed a couple of days ago. Hmmmm, you […]
March 22, 2008

3. Keep it Relevant

Since my last post, I’ve heard from many people about their take on effective email messages. Feel free to send me your thoughts. Never before have people been more interested in getting more information, but it must be relevant. According to the Wall Street Journal, 81% of U.S. executives subscribe to industry email newsletters for product information and business intelligence. And 35% of email users open messages because of what’s contained in the subject line (Jupiter Research). This week’s strategy — keep it relevant — is critical to long-term messaging success. If your messages are relevant, your recipients will pay […]
March 15, 2008

Effective email tip #2:

A day in my life: The phone rings off the hook. While I am on the phone, my cell phone rings. I have other people that instant message me. Unexpected visitors come to my office to “chat”. My cell phone rings some more! I receive dozens of emails … many of which are spam! Sometimes it drives me insane! I have read that our collective attention spans are very short. Plus we simply have too many distractions to wade through a really long email. You might think they need all of the information, but when people are faced with dense […]
March 8, 2008

Email Strategy #1

For years I’ve spent a lot of time analyzing email messages for our clients, and measuring and tracking their effectiveness. During all these years, I have performed tons of research and surveys. The most important thing I learned is that most people do not send effective email messages! Whether you send large email newsletters or just use email to communicate with friends, colleagues and customers, following twelve strategies will make your email more effective. These strategies have been developed over years of experience and quantitative analysis of tens of millions of messages we’ve sent out for our clients. So, during […]