June 7, 2012

10 Quick Ways To Get Traffic To Your Site

Share On Your Facebook Wall As simple as this may sound, this is something that will certainly get instant traffic to your site. Though it may not be a lot, it is certainly a good start. Twitter Contest If you are able to start a contest on Twitter, this will definitely get some attention towards your website with ReTweets. YouTube Video Post videos and have them link back to your site. This will add more sources of traffic and will also be a platform for viral video marketing. Viral Video Marketing If you are able to think of a unique […]
June 2, 2012

5 Top Traffic Generation Tips You Can Use Today

Facebook With over 800 million users, there is no reason why you would not use Facebook as a way to gain more traffic. People are constantly on the Facebook and if you are able to make your presence known on Facebook, you will be able to drive a lot of traffic. Though it may seem like there is too many people on the website, it is actually a good thing for people who are trying to generate traffic. Twitter Though this may not be as big as Facebook, this is a great way to get more traffic. With the ReTweet […]
May 15, 2012

How To Build Thousands of Subscribers To Your Newsletter

Building a list of thousands may seem daunting and impossible, but it’s something that can really happen if you know exactly what to do.  The truth is that list building is easy to do, can be set up quickly, and can make you lots of cash if you know how to treat your subscribers.  Below, I’ll be teaching you how to build a list of thousands within a few months. How to build a list of thousands: An effective squeeze page The squeeze page is the most important thing to have. If it’s very boring, has bad content, or isn’t […]
May 2, 2012

How To Start Your Own Online Newsletter

Having an online newsletter could be a nice little way to build your subscribers and potentially sell products to them in the future. Online newsletters usually aren’t difficult to start up, as there are very few aspects that need to be completed. With just a few steps, you can be gaining plenty of subscribers within days. How to start your own online newsletter. The first thing you’ll need to do is sign up to an email marketing manager account to some of the best companies. There are companies like Aweber who can provide for you the service that you need […]
March 9, 2012

How To Get More Twitter Followers

Most internet marketers know just how important social networks are but it seems like most of them tend to overlook the importance of Twitter. A lot of people have been focused on Facebook and Twitter tends to be looked at as a lesser version of the website. However, if you are serious about taking your marketing strategies to a higher level, then it is a good idea to learn how to get more Twitter followers. Twitter is all about being able to send a short message to all of your followers and so it is a good idea to try […]
March 2, 2012

How To Get More Fans To Your Facebook Fan Page

Most people will admit that they will often go towards companies that have more fans because they feel like it is a great way to determine if they are a trusted brand or company. If you are looking to learn how to get more Facebook fans, then you will need to take these things into consideration. Make Contests This is a strategy that has helped other companies that are trying to get more fans. These contests will help you stay connected with your fans and to create a relationship that will help build your online presence. You can give away […]
February 21, 2012

Blogging Basics

Blogging is a way for people to express how they feel on the internet but it can also be a great way to make money. Though you may not see it as a way to make money, it is still something that you can do as a fun hobby. Here are some of the blogging basics and how you can get started with your blog. Find A Niche Before you make a blog, you will need to know what your niche is. A niche is basically what your blog is going to be about and it is important that you […]
January 27, 2012

Will the next 12 months be better than the last 12 months

If you are like a lot of people I have talked with, last year was still a very slow year for business.  Ask yourself this question: “What am I doing to ensure that the next 12 months will be better than the last 12 months?” If business hasn’t been good over the past year, you need to change your direction.  It’s way too easy to mistake movement for progress and end up working hard, doing the wrong things.  If hard work alone were the secret to success, our grandparents would have been millionaires. If you are not getting enough leads, […]
January 26, 2012

How to define your niche

To define your niche means clearly identifying a group of people who need a product or service that you are able to provide. The best niches are those that no one else can fill or don’t fill adequately. If you have a product or service that is in high demand and you may not need a niche. But the more competitive the field you are in, the more important it is for you to find what you are uniquely qualified to do. Your niche needs to be small enough that you don’t have a lot of competition and can reach […]
January 20, 2012

You aren't truly in business until you have business!

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine started a new business in February. And his new business was started with a bang! He invested all of his personal savings and retirement in a luxurious office that was furnished. He bought the most advanced office equipment and computers. He also invested in equipment he felt he needed to run his business, including a laptop, etc. He joined the Chamber of Commerce and had a ribbon cutting and a huge lavish party. Although it seemed he had everything a business could need, he was closed by Easter. The one thing […]